Our overall goal is to get our members’ products onto the plates of Manitoban, Canadian and global consumers. We help companies of all shapes and sizes grow to their full potential in the marketplace. And it’s a marketplace we know — thanks to more than 20 years of experience delivering industry-wide programs and building relationships with partners in grocery and food service distribution channels.
It’s more than marketing — it’s about relationship-building
Coaching & mentoring
Our market development experts provide the one-on-one professional guidance our members need to effectively brand themselves, market and distribute their products, and increase sales. One way we do this is by assessing new products and package design, providing opportunities for peer-to-peer mentoring and assistance in presentation skills.
In the near future, we will be expanding the new product assessment and package design into a more formal program led by panels of industry professionals.
Currently, we are working in cooperation with our training group to develop two new courses to help our members present themselves and their products to retailers and food service executives. Preparing members with a series of workshops and tours to educate members on what retail and food service buyers want from suppliers, positioning and pricing, promotional tactics, the sales pitch, kits and more.
Food & Beverage Manitoba provides several other training courses that support a company that is growing its market. Click here to see what is currently available.