
Piccola Cucina

Piccola Cucina

Piccola Cucina (Italian for “little kitchen”), is a multi-generational, women-owned and operated business dedicated to providing Italian-inspired healthy and indulgent creations that include Amaretti Almond Macaroon Cookies, Almond Pie Crusts, Wraps and Finely Milled Almond Flour.

For over 10 years, they have specialized in serving customers allergy-friendly, gluten-free, dairy-free, almond-based products, sourced using sustainable practices, that include minimizing by-products, achieving zero food waste, recycling processing and packaging materials, and conserving water and energy.

Established in June 2009.

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Contact Info

14 - 360 Keewatin Street ,Winnipeg,Manitoba,R2X 2Y3,Canada

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Our Products

Gluten free almond macaroon cookies Amaretti, Pistachioretti, Limonetti, & Walnutti
Gluten free sweetened pie crusts
Gluten free, keto & vegan unsweetened pie crusts
Gluten free, keto & vegan wraps
Almond Flour

We Offer